There’s really nothing quite like the first day of school, particularly for your first or only child. The odds are that you’ll feel just as nervous as they do, if not a little bit more. As the days tick down towards that all important first time that they walk through the school gates, you’ll probably be able to busy yourself, by worrying about school uniforms and packed lunches. However, as the final minutes and seconds disappear before they walk through the school gates for the very first time, you’re bound to find yourself feeling a little bit nervous and wondering about what exactly the school you chose has in store for them. This article is designed to put your mind at rest, by giving you a little bit of insight into the process.
The first bit of advice, be sure to check the term dates of your school in plenty of time before the term starts. You don’t want to end up in a mad last minute rush or turn up at the school a day early. This is especially important, as many schools start their youngest children the day before, or a few days after, the day when the rest of their classes return. It’s also worth checking whether the reception class will last for a full day during the first two weeks of term. Many schools shorten the school day at the beginning of the first term so that children are gently eased into the routines of the school day.
As for what else happens on the very first day; think of your first day in any new job. As dull as it is, there is administration to be taken care of, introductions to be made, desks to be found and a whole new building that’s just waiting to be explored. Again, teachers of young children will generally take these things slowly to avoid overwhelming their new students, so try not to be too disappointed if your child isn’t able to give you a full run-through of everything that they’ll be doing for the next year, after their first day of school.
Once the pressure of the very first day is over, the odds are that you and your child will start to relax just a little bit. Of course, there will still be many ups and downs to come, and it’s essential that you are ready for them. On the other hand, all of you will get used to the routine, and what this means for you all. Make sure that you’re there to offer support where needed, but, when possible, try to step back and let your child plan their own journey through school.